Cindy Scarborough

Fairness and Community for ALL

North Carolinians

  • Healthcare for All

  • Afford to Live

  • Fight for Families

  • Healthcare for All

    Protect Medicaid Expansion in NC

    When the ACA insurance subsidies are slashed at the Federal level, create state subsidies to keep insurance premiums affordable

    Increase funding to North Carolina Free & Charitable Clinics

    EXPAND access to healthcare for all North Carolinians

  • Afford to Live

    End the North Carolina grocery tax

    Raise the minimum wage

    Prioritize families, not investors, in the housing market

    Counter the destruction of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with state protections against junk fees

    Enact rent control measures to guarantee North Carolina families will have a roof over their heads

  • Fight for Families

    Provide funding for families to afford quality childcare

    Ensure that all public school students have access to a free, healthy breakfast and lunch

    Prioritize funding to programs that work in the NC public schools

    Increase public school teacher salaries to levels similar to other professionals

    End subsidies to families sending their children to private schools