Cindy Scarborough for NC House District 40


Voting in the 2026 Primary is your chance to vote for your representative in Raleigh. The current NC House District 40 congressman was APPOINTED not ELECTED. Vote in the 2026 Democratic Primary to chose a NC House District 40 congresswoman that will LISTEN to her constituents, FIGHT for families, and PROTECT our rights.

  1. Register to vote. If you are already registered, make sure your voter registration is active and up to date. Provide a social security number or driver license number to ensure your vote will be counted.

  2. Does your ID match your voter registration? Do you have an accepted ID to vote?

  3. All registered voters in NC House District 40 can vote in the primary on March 3, 2026 (there will also be early voting dates). If you are registered Unaffiliated you simply tell them you would like a Democratic ballot.

Vote Cindy Scarborough for NC House District 40

2026 Primary March 3, 2026